Some people are okay, but for the most part I want to poison them all.
So it is important for me to, every once in a while, take stock of all the good things that surround me all the time.
Actually, that's important for everybody, as I tend to ruin everybody else's day if I'm having a bad one.
But here are some things that are just great:
- Emptying the lint trap in the washing machine when it's really, really linty.
- The smell of Carter's breath.
- Getting a new issue of Vogue and sniffing it first thing
- Scented candles that smell like food: ginger, pumpkin, vanilla...
- Painting. Who cares if you suck.
- A good book that you found at a Goodwill.
- Being right. About anything. Especially when your mother is wrong.
- Snail mail.
- A glass of wine.
- A phone call from a missed friend.
- The look on Carter's face when his daddy comes home
- A cup of tea.
- Hitting a fly with the swatter.
- Picnics.
- A cigarette when you're drunk
- Beirut (the band)
- lipstick
- Cuddling
- baby farts
- When Mike is silly
- Home made pancakes
- Reality TV
- Chicken nuggets and honey
- Carter's laugh